
Port Rowing: Freshman Lead The Way

The Port Washington team continues to make strides.

Than you to Port Rowing Executive Director and Head Coach Steve Panzik for this recap. 

On Oct. 6, Port Rowing competed in the Head of the Housatonic in Shelton, CT. It started as a rainy, foggy morning and developed into a beautiful day on the water. The level of competition increased in this regatta as Port took on the Connecticut clubs for the first time this year, as well as local powerhouses Manhasset and Chaminade.

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The freshmen boys led the way with a victory in the Freshmen eight event, beating the field by 6 seconds. This is their second victory in as many races, and the team as a whole placed three boats in the top 20.

The Varsity boys made a strong showing in a competitive field for the second week in a row. They took fourth in the Men’s eight, just missing the top three by .7 seconds.  They also took fourth in the Men’s Varsity four event.

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The girls had a great race in the Varsity four, passing two crews on their way to a sixth place finish in a very competitive field.

The Master’s program had another medal this weekend, as mother-and-son combo Laura and Leo Santala took third place in the double.

This weekend, the team travels to Passaic, New Jersey for the Head of the Passaic. The team will see Greenwich again, as well as the Jersey powerhouse teams. The Master’s program will race an eight this weekend for the first time. We look forward to another great weekend of races.

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